But an amusing one, to me at least, in a sick sort of way. Look forward to 2016. Who will be running for president? Some of Blago's wiretapped natterings indicated that he could see himself in that position at that time. And of course Sarah Palin has made her interest in the GOP nod pretty clear. So imagine Blagojevich vs. Palin in '16. Rather than a lame tag line like "Decision 2016," the news orgs could do up a nifty graphic that reads "2016: Race to the Bottom."
Question I've got is, to make a Blago ticket and a Palin ticket all they can be, who would be their running mates? Suggestions from the floor are encouraged.
UPDATE: Here's my thought on the running mates, actually. Joe Lieberman, that reprehensible little Zion-crazed muppet would get offered the VP nod, from both parties. And he'd accept both nominations, like the two-faced shitweasel he is. Hee.
Are you Zardoz ignorant?
6 days ago
+5 bonus points for using the word "shitweasel" in a blog
ReplyDeleteI used it in reference to Joe Liebermann--I think that should rate me +10 at least. But I'll settle for five. Sometimes you're just typing, and the right word comes.
ReplyDeleteAny thoughts about appropriately degraded running mates for the jokers in question?
Read this post. Got your email. Haven't yet responded because I had a bad headache last night and couldn't stare at these tubes one minute longer, and because I'm having trouble thinking of suitably degraded running mates. The only ones I can think of are inanimate objects, like a parsnip or a Pet Rock. Or perhaps one of the higher-ups from the First United Church of Creepy Axe-Murdering Puppets might throw his/her/its felt hat into the ring.
ReplyDeleteIf Blago wants to have a fighting chance, though, I think he should nominate the Lego guy. I've heard the Lego guy has the power to destroy evil civilizations.
The completely heterosexual Ted Haggard.
ReplyDeleteOooh! Along those lines - Fred Phelps!
ReplyDeleteTed Nugent. As a foreigner, Ted represents all my worst fears about our former colonies. The man will be 68 come 2016, the perfect age for a Republican president, and we have not yet had a psychotic rock guitarist as president. Surely this is a minority that requires representation?
ReplyDeletePalin/Coulter '16? The horror. The horror.
ReplyDeleteBlago/Spitzer has a nice kind of symmetry to it.
Wait, I thought of another one. If we're going with crazy aging rock stars who would be sufficiently inappropriate and offensive, how 'bout Gene Simmons?
ReplyDeleteOZZY! He's been goin' off the rails on a crazy train since 1971 or so.
ReplyDeletePalin/Coulter '16...ugh...the eyeballs.
Oh, and PS - does Blogger have a poll option? There should be one on here.